Friday, August 8, 2008

Day 4

Stagnant with progress due to work. Here are forward movements:
  • Reviewed the mark-to-market election my personal assistant researched for me. Will post a summation and thoughts later.
  • Started researching a concept I learned through poker called Kelly's Criterion- trying to figure out the applications to trading.
  • Reviewed more eLance proposals. While some of the bidders are giving me the hourly rates I am looking for (approx. $15/hour) they still want a high up front fee for setting up Quickbooks and all that other good stuff. With an accounting degree, I can't logistically see myself paying for these types of services for general bookeeping. The questions is if I want to invest the time in doing bookeeping or to defer it to someone else to free up time...

I was thinking about Trend Followers the other day and how relatively simple their ideas seem. I thought back to the 80/20 principle where 20% of the work produces 80% of the results. Still thinking about how to cross this over...

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